Welcome Ladies & Gents. The Young & The Wise!!

We have all been through relationship or two!!
Some Good, Some Bad. Some Lengthy, Some Very Short Lived!!
Now matter how it went, EVERYONE has a story or two to share!!
If you get a laugh out of a story you see here, be sure to follow us & visit often. Some of us have pleny to share ;)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Regaining You Sex Appeal!!

When you are stuck in your daily routines, it can be a bit tough to get out of them. Especially if it involves any extra effort. A couple of quick trips to the mall here and there when you do have time, you will have all you need at your finger tips when the mood strikes!!! Men, this goes for you too!! It really doesn't take much extra time or effort to add a little sex appeal!!

Okay Ladies A Few Things To Get you Started!

First, u will need to get your cute little butt off of the couch and out of those saggy bottom comfy pants! Shave your legs, pluck your eyebrows and give those rough heels of  yours a little TLC!! When you put a little effort into yourself the rest comes easy!! And for the love of peter, cook your poor man a nice dinner! He really does deserve it more than, once in a while!! When your man comes home from work, and sees you pulled together with dinner on the go. You are bound to get a positive reaction, trust me!!

Scented Candles Are A Must: Nothing sets a mood like candle light and erotic scents!!
Get His Attention: Try getting your mans attention, the old fashion way!!! Just like us, men need to feel needed. So even though you may be a very independent woman, it's ok to let your man open that bottle or reach for those glasses, EVEN THOUGH, you can do it yourself.

Sexy PJ's: Yes, it is possible for PJ's  to be both practical and sexy!!! You don't need to squeeze yourself into a corset to be sexy!!! Besides lets be realistic, for the amount of time you will actually have it on, does it really matter how comfortable it is??? Nope, it sure doesn't!! 

Turn The Lights Down and The TV  OFF!!!: Make sure the TV is off at bed time, at least until both parties are pleased & smiling. Hahaha!!
(Never Do It With The TV On, It's bad for the orgasms, hahaha!!!)

The better you feel on the out side, the better he will make you feel on the inside!!! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This One Is For The Ladies!!

Okay Ladies, it's time for your reality check!!! 

If you can honestly say as a grown woman, that you have never EVER in your life experienced an orgasm. You have nobody to blame but yourself!! Yup that's right, if you are too afraid to touch yourself, then you can't expect any boy else to do it either!!! There are so many ways to stimulate your very own Va-JJ, so many that you are bound to find one you are comfortable with. No matter what you are into!!

If you've ever been to a "Ladies" party, sex shop or toy store, then you are doing wrong by your Va-JJ. Ladies, we ALL need our very own toy boxes!! A secret little pleasure  chest, for your eyes only. Keep it tucked under the bed within a quick reach!!! Don't say you don't have time. Girls, it's just like brushing your hair or shaving your legs!! YOU MUST MAKE TIME!!!! Don't let your Va-JJ collect cob webs, it's a part of your body too, and it will always need a bit of extra TLC!!!! An angry Va-JJ, makes for an angry Lady. If your Va-JJ is Happy, trust me you will be Happy!!!  When you walk with a  little extra skip in your step, it makes a difference and everyone will notice!!! An great orgasm can have AMAZING effects!!

Get a few of your close girlfriends together and go explore a local adult toy store. Or if you are a little bit shy, host a "Ladies Party" and invite all the girls. Dedicate an evening to your  Va-JJ and other neglected pink parts!!!! Those home parties with a few of your friends an be very eye opening, not to mention entertaining!! When you get that many ladies together, telling sex war stories. You can laugh so hard your stomach will hurt!!!

Avoid Dating A Playa, Read This Now!

Sex Intro !!

Okay Ladies & Gents, 
It's time to get to know your selves!! No, No, I mean "YOURSELF".  All too often people seem to forget, they are part of the sex equation. It's all well and good to please your partner in the sack, but what about you??  If you don't know what you like and how you like it, how can you expect anybody else to figure it out??? Sex doesn't have to be "kinky" to be mind blowing toe curling, wake the neighbours with the noise kinda sex. 

Being aware of all of your most sensitive nooks and crannies, along with the things that make our toes tingle, it will help you guide your partner to ALL of the right places. As well as help guide you to all of their hott spots!! Taking the time to get to know yourself in all the right places, is not only important for the good of your health, but also the good of your sex life!!! With life as busy as it is, we already have enough forces working against our sex lives. Let's try giving what little there is a fighting chance!!!

Take some time once in a while to explore your own sexuality. Spend a couple of extra minutes in the shower, close your eyes and let your mind wander a little. It will do you a world of good. For both, you men and ladies!!!  Sexuality doesn't have to be a scary thing, it was meant to be a to be a fun thing!! So go ahead enjoy it and yourself!!!