Welcome Ladies & Gents. The Young & The Wise!!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This One Is For The Ladies!!

Okay Ladies, it's time for your reality check!!! 

If you can honestly say as a grown woman, that you have never EVER in your life experienced an orgasm. You have nobody to blame but yourself!! Yup that's right, if you are too afraid to touch yourself, then you can't expect any boy else to do it either!!! There are so many ways to stimulate your very own Va-JJ, so many that you are bound to find one you are comfortable with. No matter what you are into!!

If you've ever been to a "Ladies" party, sex shop or toy store, then you are doing wrong by your Va-JJ. Ladies, we ALL need our very own toy boxes!! A secret little pleasure  chest, for your eyes only. Keep it tucked under the bed within a quick reach!!! Don't say you don't have time. Girls, it's just like brushing your hair or shaving your legs!! YOU MUST MAKE TIME!!!! Don't let your Va-JJ collect cob webs, it's a part of your body too, and it will always need a bit of extra TLC!!!! An angry Va-JJ, makes for an angry Lady. If your Va-JJ is Happy, trust me you will be Happy!!!  When you walk with a  little extra skip in your step, it makes a difference and everyone will notice!!! An great orgasm can have AMAZING effects!!

Get a few of your close girlfriends together and go explore a local adult toy store. Or if you are a little bit shy, host a "Ladies Party" and invite all the girls. Dedicate an evening to your  Va-JJ and other neglected pink parts!!!! Those home parties with a few of your friends an be very eye opening, not to mention entertaining!! When you get that many ladies together, telling sex war stories. You can laugh so hard your stomach will hurt!!!

Avoid Dating A Playa, Read This Now!

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