Oh you know the type. They are so handsome as well as charming, it's almost impossible to see a single flaw in their existence!!! He has a devilish white smile, deep sparkling eyes, well groomed and dresses quite well. He knows how to read any woman, and knows what tricks to pull out of his pocket, to have you eating out of his hand!!!!
Hold on a minute ladies. Slam on those breaks, for one itty bitty minute!! Did this set up/ meeting at any point include the sentence, "He's just looking for a "Nice Girl", Or "I'm looking for a "Nice Girl"?!?! If it did, WALK, NO better yet RUN, RUN as fast and as far away from them as your legs will take you!!!!! "Nice Girl" is Pimpology for "Dumb Girl" For some strange reason, men seem to think that a nice girl is a dumb girl!!!
In fact in some ways, maybe we are. Kind hearted woman tend to always look for the good in people. We don't usually jump to the worst scenario right away. So when our man calls and says he's working late, we actually believe, he is working late. We don't for one minute think he's out running around with some dirty hootch behind your back!!! Because we in our hearts believe they love us!!! Pfffffffffft. That's a load of crap!! The ones who are looking for "Nice Girls" are looking for girls who just don't think on a lying cheating level, so they can not see through the dirty little lies he will be feeding you along the way!!!
After you have been with a few of these cheating rat bastards, you start to see through bold face lies, as well as the little white ones just a bit better!!! You are still you, (Nice) but you are a little bit wiser, in the ways of the playa!!
So ladies weather you are searching online dating profiles or being set up by a friend, if it includes the words “Nice Girl”, you need to keep clicking or politely decline. As cute as they can be, can you really deal with another broken heart these days?!?! Wouldn't it be great to nip one or two in the bud??
Be sure they NEVER Mistake Your Kindness For Weakness!!
http://expertscolumn.com/content/two-words-can-help-you-avoid-datingthe-playaBe sure they NEVER Mistake Your Kindness For Weakness!!
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